Pain Relief

Whether pain or discomfort is recent or chronic, constant, or comes and goes, it has a very real effect on a person’s quality of life. I believe we do not have to accept this state of being. I myself have known pain, both chronic and short-term, ranging from mild to quite severe. Finding relief returned an amazing amount of freedom, enjoyment, and energy to my life.

My clients report not only reduced pain, but also an increase in general function and improvement in their body’s response to their activities. Those with injuries and/or chronic pain are able to more fully return to their previous lifestyles, and athletes report rapidly improved performance.

Pain and discomfort can have many different causes. Most of my clients come to me with problems stemming from muscular injury or dysfunction, athletic injuries, long term issues from surgeries, and mis-compensations of the body. Often times the problems appear sometime after the initial injury, and seem to never be quite right again, or chronically return from time to time.

Still others will present with issues stemming from tension and strain associated with their occupations.

Every fiber and layer of the human body has its own behavioral code. This code is largely determined from the body’s’ reading of the condition of the tissue, and controls the use or restriction behaviors of the tissue. Whenever the body senses use it decides is too much for a given location, pain, limitation, or compensation results. I use a variety of techniques to help the body reset these codes for interaction back to their previously healthy norms. The results of this are decreased pain, and improved function.

These results are most often very rapid, in fact, sometimes immediate, with long lasting effect.

After assessment, treatment generally begins with Trigger-Point Release to reset any over-active protective or limiting issues causing pain or restriction in individual lines or fibers in the body. This is typically followed by Myofascial Release, and/or Deep Tissue Release for further removal of problems or barriers, and deeper release back to normal muscle behavior.

Treatments are aimed at both initial pain/problem reduction/removal, as well as more improved balance and integration of the body’s many interactive structures and their functions.

Following restorative treatment, focus is placed on education and prevention of future problems.

For scheduling or for more information, call 707-499-8710 or email me.